Lot's of pics today to make up for yesterday. Much cooler today and not so far to travel gave me some time to sightsee and break out the camera.
This was taken just off US 20 outside Mountain Home, Idaho. It's a very rare image of an M1Abrams main battle tank and a Harley-Davidson LPV (Light Patrol Vehicle).
Near Arco, ID is a volcanic field known as Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument. The light was awful as the sun was stilll high but I got a few record shots that reveal how the area got it's name.
Here's one rendered in black and white that looks like something Neil Armstrong might have seen.
A few miles down the road I took a side trip to a National Historic site, EBB-I, the worlds first nuclear power plant, which came on line in December 1951.
Here's a shot of the reactor core itself along with th erod that held the fissionable material...
A few miles away, Atomic City was home to many of the scientists and workers employed at the plant.
It's a virtual ghost town now. The sign says "population, about 25." Somehow it manages to support a bar. Nothing else for folks to do here, I suppose.
Spending the night in Idaho Falls, close enough to hear them when I step outside. I'll get some pics tomorrow but right now it's off to bed.
More to follow...
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